
#children flowers gardens life love caring people family wisdom seeds openness happiness time sharing grateful parents teachers schools learning

Michelle’s Evolutionary Voices


When I started writing poetry it became a comfort to me just like ice cream. I was going through my divorce in the 1990’s. All I can say is for me to explain how I felt as my day’s got long and my night’s got short. Now I’m entering into the year’s of 2000 and I need to understand where I am going! I knew where I had been and I was never going back there again. Now I am on this journey to discover where I am going! The true advice I can give to young mocha sister’s in this world is that you must first understand yourselves, and while you are learning from your school books, to receive your education. Don’t forget to learn who you are not in this corrupt world. We are all born with a personality, you just have to find it in your soul. My gift to you is the number one secret they would like for us to ignore, the self. They don’t want you or I to believe in our heart’s, which is a part of our soul’s. When your girl’s and boy’s are blessed to reach the age of 18 and 19 year’s old they are going to need your help with cleaning out their tainted heart’s. With all of the brainwashing from society, Hollywood, seductive music video’s, with young women giving the impression that it is okay to expose their body. Not to mention the violent motion picture’s/NRA who are helping to murder our young boy’s/girl’s in America before they are able to begin high school. Not to mention the gun happy men/women who sit around with Congress Poli-liars plotting to remove your black children from their community with these wicked laws to send your children to prison before they are educated.

Then you have the fashion industry where there are few mocha sisters, who are unable to walk the runways because their skin color’s are not light enough. The plastic surgeons cutting open young girl’s to help them feel pretty because they feel not pretty enough to be seen in public. They talk their parents into allowing them to have surgery for big breast, butts, nose, lip’s or God in heaven only knows what else. I just can’t continue to ignore the facts concerning our young girls, and I could careless what skin color, you are! We need to teach our children, the values of their souls. The worst is if you change the packaging of the physical body before we: you fix the mentality issues. She/he is ready to continue changing their physical appearance. Now she wants to bleach her skin to a lighter complexion. She will never be happy with her Mocha skin, the skin she is born in. This is why it is so important for our children to know deep down in their soul’s that they are loved, by their parent’s. No matter what you do in life, you have got to monitor your children’s heart’s, everyday you should be discussing some type of topic that might be a burden on their little heart’s, and more of a burden to you as the parents, if we continue to ignore these problems our children could become border line insane. My mission, is to focus on protecting little girl’s like Jordyn E. Love, in this book. Jordyn, who is being bullied in her school, and she is trying very hard to handle her problem without telling her parent’s. I plan to help Jordyn, understand that she is not alone and to provide her with a friend, who will help show her how to overcome her problem’s in her classroom. This story has been created to help the next generational young Spiritual Soul’s. I don’t mean Religion either. I am talking about where your God, lives. Inside your soul’s. One fact I know to be a reality is that we must learn to understand who we are not and turn your attention to learning who we are. When you can get this right, then you will begin to understand who you are! This is what we as parent’s must understand concerning the physical body verses the spiritual souls. Jordyn has rushed to change her clothes, and puts on her favorite PJ’S. Then she runs down to the basement to find her box of favorite ornaments to decorate the tree. Jordyn, locates her favorite box of ornaments and rushes back up the stairs to help keep Mr. Bubble’s warm and company.
Father love had pulled the tree out of the back of the truck and had let it fall to the ground. Jordyn, was worried and was hoping and wondering if Mr. Bubbles, was still alive.? Talk with you soon to find out if Mr. Bubble is okay inside of the evergreen Christmas tree. Bye now… talk with you soon. Love, Jordyn.

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